Periodontal Treatments

FAMILY DENTAL HEALTH, Dr. Ligaya Aquino-Paguyo Dental Office

Periodontal Treatments

-Periodontal disease is likely to contribute coronary artery disease, considered one of the leading causes of death. Bacteria in the mouth can enter the bloodstream and contribute to heart disease, clot formation, respiratory diseases, and also a serious threat to diabetic people. It also increases the risk during pregnancy giving birth to underweight or pre-term baby.

Periodontal disease attacks the gums, bones and surrounding tissues supporting the teeth. The food that we eat especially the sugary snacks if left unclean would lead to plaque formation. The plaque is the sticky film of food debris, bacteria, and saliva. The plaque if not removed will turn to calculus or tartar. The calculus will destroy the gums and bone. The early signs and symptoms include: red, swollen, and bleeding gums. Moderate to severe symptoms include: bleeding gums, loose teeth, spacing, persistent bad breath, pus around the teeth, receding gums, and discomfort. Avoid this by regular brushing, flossing, proper diet, and most important regular visit to your dentist. Your dentist can help you prevent periodontal disease. It is a joint effort.

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FAMILY DENTAL HEALTH, Dr. Ligaya Aquino-Paguyo Dental Office